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PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.Data

Provides a thin abstraction over ADO.NET.


The Shuttle.Core.Data package provides a thin abstraction over ADO.NET by making use of the DbProviderFactories (see Shuttle.Core.Data.SqlClient for .Net Core Provider Factory adapter). Even though it provides object/relational mapping mechanisms it is in no way an ORM.


As per usual, in order to access a database, we need a database connection. A database connection is represented by a IDatabaseContext instance that may be obtained by using an instance of an IDatabaseContextFactory implementation.

The DatabaseContextFactory implementation makes use of an IDbConnectionFactory implementation, that creates a System.Data.IDbConnection by using the provider name and connection string, an IDbCommandFactory that creates a System.Data.IDbCommand by using IDbConnection instance. The DatabaseContextFactory also requires an instance of a IDatabaseContextCache that stores connections and is assigned to the DatabaseContext in order to obtain the active connection.

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    // database interaction

using (var context = factory
        "Data Source=.\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Shuttle;Integrated Security=SSPI"))
    // database interaction

using (var context = factory.Create(existingIDbConnection))
    // database interaction

There is an extension method IDatabaseContextFactory.IsAvailable() that maybe used to determine if the application is able to connect to the database.


By default the CommandTimeout is set to 15 seconds by the DbCommandFactory implementation of the IDbCommandFactory interface. In order to change this timeout you can set it in the <appSettings> using a key Shuttle.Core.Data.DbCommandFactory.CommandTimeout as follows:

    <add key="Shuttle.Core.Data.DbCommandFactory.CommandTimeout" value="600"/>

The CommandTimeout will now be 600 seconds (10 minutes).


You can pre-configure your database context factory using this interface. If you typically connect to only one data source this may be helpful:

IDatabaseContext Create();

void ConfigureWith(string connectionStringName);
void ConfigureWith(string providerName, string connectionString);
void ConfigureWith(IDbConnection dbConnection);


The DatabaseGateway is used to execute IQuery instances in order return data from, or make changes to, the underlying data store. If there is no active open IDatabaseContext returned by the DatabaseContext.Current and InvalidOperationException will be thrown.

The following section each describe the methods available in the IDatabaseGateway interface.


IDataReader GetReaderUsing(IQuery query);

Returns an IDataReader instance for the given select statement:

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    var reader = gateway.GetReaderUsing(RawQuery.Create("select Id, Username from dbo.Member"));


int ExecuteUsing(IQuery query);

Executes the given query and returns the number of rows affected:

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    gateway.ExecuteUsing(RawQuery.Create("delete from dbo.Member where Username = 'mr.resistor'"));


T GetScalarUsing<T>(IQuery query);

Get the scalar value returned by the select query. The query shoud return only one value (scalar):

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    var username = gateway.GetScalarUsing<string>(
        RawQuery.Create("select Username from dbo.Member where Id = 10")
    var id = gateway.GetScalarUsing<int>(
        RawQuery.Create("select Id from dbo.Member where Username = 'mr.resistor'")


DataTable GetDataTableFor(IQuery query);

Returns a DataTable containing the rows returned for the given select statement.

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    var table = gateway.GetDataTableFor(RawQuery.Create("select Id, Username from dbo.Member"));


IEnumerable<DataRow> GetRowsUsing(IQuery query);

Returns an enumerable containing the DataRow instances returned for a select query:

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    var rows = gateway.GetRowsUsing(RawQuery.Create("select Id, Username from dbo.Member"));


DataRow GetSingleRowUsing(IQuery query);

Returns a single DataRow containing the values returned for a select statement that returns exactly one row:

var factory = DatabaseContextFactory.Default();
var gateway = new DatabaseGateway();

using (var context = factory.Create("connectionStringName"))
    var row = gateway.GetSingleRowUsing(
        RawQuery.Create("select Id, Username, EMail, DateActivated from dbo.Member where Id = 10")


An IDataRepository<T> implementation is responsible for returning a hydrated object. To this end you make use of the DataReposity<T> class that takes a IDatabaseGateway instance along with a IDataRowMapper<T> used to create the hydrated instance.

The following methods can be used to interact with your object type.


IEnumerable<T> FetchAllUsing(IQuery query);

Uses the select clause represented by the IQuery instance to create a list of objects of type T. The select clause will need to select all the required columns and will, typically, return more than one instance.


T FetchItemUsing(IQuery query);

Returns a single object instance of type T that is hydrated using the data returned from the select clause represented by the IQuery instance.


IEnumerable<MappedRow<T>> FetchMappedRowsUsing(IQuery query);

This is similar to the FetchAllUsing method but instead returns a list of MappedRow<T> instances. Uses the select clause represented by the IQuery instance to create a list of MappedRow instances of type T. The select clause will need to select all the required columns and will, typically, return more than one instance.


MappedRow<T> FetchMappedRowUsing(IQuery query);

Similar to the FetchItemUsing method but instead return a MappedRow<T> instance that is hydrated using the data returned from the select clause represented by the IQuery instance.


bool Contains(IQuery query);

Returns true is the IQuery instance select clause returns an int scalar that equals 1; else returns false.


An IQuery represent a database query that can be executed against the relevant database type. There is only one method that needs to be implemented:

void Prepare(IDbCommand command);

This should ensure that the given IDbCommand is configured for execution by setting the relvant command attributes and parameters.

IQueryParameter: IQuery

An IQueryParameter inherits the IQuery interface and extends it by allowing you to add parameters to a query by specifying an IMappedColumn (see below) instance along with the value for the parameter.

There are two implementations of this interface.


The RawQuery enables you to create any query using the native language structure:

var query = RawQuery.Create("select UserName from dbo.Member where Id = @Id")
    .AddParameterValue(new MappedColumn<Guid>("Id", DbType.Guid), 
        new Guid('{75208260-CF93-454E-95EC-FE1903F3664E}'));


The ProcedureQuery is used to execute a stored procedure:

var query = ProcedureQuery.Create("uspMemberById")
    .AddParameterValue(new MappedColumn<Guid>("Id", DbType.Guid), 
        new Guid('{75208260-CF93-454E-95EC-FE1903F3664E}'));


Typically you would not want to create a MappedColumn each time you need it and these are also quite fixed. A column mapping can, therefore, by defined statically:

using System;
using System.Data;
using Shuttle.Core.Data;

namespace Shuttle.Ordering.DataAccess
    public class OrderColumns
        public static readonly MappedColumn<Guid> Id =
            new MappedColumn<Guid>("Id", DbType.Guid);

        public static readonly MappedColumn<string> OrderNumber =
            new MappedColumn<string>("OrderNumber", DbType.String, 20);

        public static readonly MappedColumn<string> OrderDate =
            new MappedColumn<string>("OrderDate", DbType.DateTime);

        public static readonly MappedColumn<string> CustomerName =
        new MappedColumn<string>("CustomerName", DbType.String, 65);

        public static readonly MappedColumn<string> CustomerEMail =
            new MappedColumn<string>("CustomerEMail", DbType.String, 130);

There are quite a few options that you can set on the MappedColumn in order to represent your column properly.


public T MapFrom(DataRow row)

This will return the typed value of the specified column as contained in the passed-in DataRow.


You use this interface to implement a mapper for a DataRow that will result in an object of type T:

using System.Data;
using Shuttle.Core.Data;
using Shuttle.Process.Custom.Server.Domain;

namespace Shuttle.ProcessManagement
    public class OrderProcessMapper : IDataRowMapper<OrderProcess>
        public MappedRow<OrderProcess> Map(DataRow row)
            var result = new OrderProcess(OrderProcessColumns.Id.MapFrom(row))
                CustomerName = OrderProcessColumns.CustomerName.MapFrom(row),
                CustomerEMail = OrderProcessColumns.CustomerEMail.MapFrom(row),
                OrderId = OrderProcessColumns.OrderId.MapFrom(row),
                InvoiceId = OrderProcessColumns.InvoiceId.MapFrom(row),
                DateRegistered = OrderProcessColumns.DateRegistered.MapFrom(row),
                OrderNumber = OrderProcessColumns.OrderNumber.MapFrom(row)

            return new MappedRow<OrderProcess>(row, result);


A MappedRow instance contains bother a DataRow and the object that the DataRow mapped to.

This may be useful in situation where the DataRow contains more information that is available on the object. An example may be an OrderLine where the DataRow contains the OrderId column but the OrderLine object does not. In order to still be able to make that association it is useful to have both available.


An IAssembler implementation is used to create multiple mappings with as few calls as possible. An example may be where we perform two select queries; one to get 3 orders and another to get the order lines belonging to those 3 orders.

select OrderId, OrderNumber, OrderDate from dbo.Order where OrderId in (2, 6, 44)

Order IdOrder NumberOrder Date
2ORD-00214 Feb 2016
6ORD-00624 Mar 2016
44ORD-0444 Apr 2016

select OrderId, Product, Quantity from dbo.OrderLine where OrderId in (2, 6, 44)

Order IdProductQuantity
2Red Socks2
2Blue Socks3
6Sports Towel1
6Squash Racquet1
6Squash Ball3
44Vaughn's DDD Book1
44Shuttle.Sentinel License5

Using a MappedData instance we can keep adding the MappedRow instances to the MappedData and then have the assembler return the three Order aggregates:

public class OrderAssembler : IAssembler<Order>
    public IEnumerable<Order> Assemble(MappedData data)
        var result = new List<Order>();

        foreach (var orderRow in data.MappedRows<Order>())
            var order = orderRow.Result;

            foreach (var orderLineRow in data.MappedRows<OrderLine>())
                if (orderLineRow.Row["OrderId"].Equals(order.OrderId))


        return result;
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