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Shuttle.Esb is extensible via modules. These plug into a relevant pipeline to perform additional tasks within the pipeline by registering one or more observers that respond to the events raised by the pipeline.


A module is an arbitrary class that should use the IPipelineFactory implementation to hook onto the relevant pipeline.

public class LogMessageOwnerModule
    private readonly LogMessageOwnerObserver _logMessageOwnerObserver;
    private readonly string _inboxMessagePipelineName = typeof(InboxMessagePipeline).FullName;

    public void LogMessageOwnerModule(IPipelineFactory pipelineFactory, LogMessageOwnerObserver logMessageOwnerObserver)
        Guard.AgainstNull(pipelineFactory, "pipelineFactory");
        Guard.AgainstNull(logMessageOwnerObserver, "logMessageOwnerObserver");
        _logMessageOwnerObserver = logMessageOwnerObserver;

        pipelineFactory.PipelineCreated += PipelineCreated;

    private void PipelineCreated(object sender, PipelineEventArgs e)
        if (!e.Pipeline.GetType().FullName.Equals(_inboxMessagePipelineName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))


You may be wondering where the LogMessageOwnerObserver instance would come from. The Shuttle.Esb.ComponentRegistryExtensions.RegisterServiceBus() method registers, in the IComponentRegistry instance, all observer types that it finds in the application. However, to be sure that the relevant dependencies for you modules are registered you could use the IComponentRegistry instance to directly register them:


Here we have created a new module that registers the LogMessageOwnerObserver for each newly created InboxMessagePipeline. Since a pipeline simply raises PipelineEvent instances the observer will need to listen out for the relevant events. We will log the message owner after the transport message has been deserialized:

public class LogMessageOwnerObserver : IPipelineObserver<OnAfterDeserializeTransportMessage>
    public void Execute(OnDeserializeTransportMessage pipelineEvent)
        var state = pipelineEvent.Pipeline.State;
        var transportMessage = state.GetTransportMessage();
        if (transportMessage == null)
        Console.Log("This transport message belongs to '{0}'.", transportMessage.PrincipalIdentityName);

Each pipeline has a state that contains various items. You can add state and there are some extensions on the state that return various well-known items such as GetTransportMessage() that returns the TransportMessage on the pipeline. Prior to deserializing the transport message it will, of course, be null.

Pipelines are re-used so they are created as needed and returned to a pool. Should a pipeline be retrieved from the pool it will be re-initialized so that the previous state is removed.


You can reference the Shuttle.Esb code directly to get more information on the available pipelines and the events in those pipelines.

More information on the pipelines infrastructure can be obtained in the Shuttle.Core.Pipelines documentation.

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