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Subscription Options

The SubscriptionOptions configured as ServiceBusOptions.Subscription represent common options related to subscriptions.

Any implementation of the ISubscriptionService interface should make use of these options to register, or ensure, any subscriptions:

services.AddServiceBus(builder => {
	builder.Subscription.SubscribeType = SubscribeType.Normal; // default
    builder.Subscription.ConnectionString = "Subscription"; // default

    // add subscription to message types directly; else below options on builder

    // using type

    // using a full type name

    // using a generic

And the JSON configuration structure:

  "Shuttle": {
    "ServiceBus": {
      "Subscription": {
        "SubscribeType": "Normal",
        "ConnectionStringName": "connection-string",
        "CacheTimeout": "00:05:00",
        "MessageTypes": [


ConnectionStringNameSubscriptionThe name of the ConnectionString to use to connect to the subscription store.
SubscribeTypeNormalIndicates subscriptions are dealt with:
- Normal is the default and will subscribe to the given message type(s) if they have not been subscribed to yet.
- Ensure will check to see that the subscription exists and if not will throw an ApplicationException.
- Ignore will simply ignore the subscription request.
CacheTimeout00:05:00How long event subscribers should be cached for before refreshing the list.

Should the endpoint be configured as a worker no new subscriptions will be registered against the endpoint since any published events should be subscribed to only by the distributor endpoint. When using a broker all the endpoints feed off the same work queue uri and any of the endpoints could create the subscription.

When moving to a non-development environment it is recommended that you make use of the Ensure option for the SubscribeType.

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