27 March 2016

All packages have been renamed to the .Net assembly named standard. No more dashes such as shuttle-esb-rabbitmq and also no more than two uppercase characters for acronyms.


This assembly has been renamed to Shuttle.Core.Log4Net. Note that the Infrastructure has been dropped.


This assembly is now only Shuttle.Esb. No more .Core and the ESB has become Esb. You may need to search/replace in all files.

ESB to Esb

Since the ESB part has been change to Esb you need to search/replace all files including configuration files.

The configuration section is top of this list:

      <section name="serviceBus" type="Shuttle.ESB.Core.ServiceBusSection, Shuttle.ESB.Core"/>

Would become (note ESB and dropped Core):

      <section name="serviceBus" type="Shuttle.Esb.ServiceBusSection, Shuttle.Esb"/>

Any other configuration section affected would also need to change. The msmq configuration section, for instance, would need to ESB changed to Esb:

		<add type="Shuttle.ESB.Modules.ActiveTimeRangeModule, Shuttle.ESB.Modules" />

Will need to become (else some configuration loading exceptions may occur):

		<add type="Shuttle.ESB.Modules.ActiveTimeRangeModule, Shuttle.ESB.Modules" />

The same applies to any other configuration sections.