This is the core assembly and is always referenced when requiring a service bus instance.
NuGet GitHub Issues
A generic host that can run as a console application or be installed as a Windows service. Used to host Shuttle.Esb endpoints but can be used to host any Windows service.
Although not really a core component you may want to take a look at these samples to get going since they illustrate some basic usage scenarios.
GitHub Issues
Contains a RabbitMQ queue implementation.
NuGet GitHub Issues RabbitMQ
Contains an MSMQ queue implementation.
Contains a Microsoft SqlServer table-based queue, subscription manager, and idempotence service implementation.
Contains a file-based queue implementation. This is not intended for production use but rather to copy/back-up messages to the file-system.
Contains a WindsorContainer implementation of the IMessageHandlerFactory interface.
NuGet GitHub Issues Castle
Contains a UnityContainer implementation of the IMessageHandlerFactory interface.
NuGet GitHub Issues Unity
Contains a Ninject implementation of the IMessageHandlerFactory interface.
NuGet GitHub Issues Ninject
Process management using shuttle-recall event sourcing.
Contains a number of Shuttle.Esb modules that extend Shuttle.Esb behaviour.
Contains a management shell to manage various shuttle-specific bits such as moving messages and configuring subscriptions.