


public System.Byte[] Message { get; public set; }

The actual message stream returned from the Serializer represented as a byte array.


public System.Guid MessageReceivedId { get; public set; }

This is the Id of the message that was being processed when the message was sent. So if message with MessageId ABC123 was received and you sent another message that will have a new MessageId of, say, DEF321 then the MessageReceivedId of the new message with MessageId: DEF321 will be ABC123.


public System.Guid MessageId { get; public set; }

The unique Id of this message.


public string CorrelationId { get; public set; }

The CorrelationId is not used by the core Shuttle.Esb and you are free to use it to correlate your messages.


public string SenderInboxWorkQueueUri { get; public set; }

The Uri of the inbox of the endpoint where the message originated. If the sender did not have an inbox then this value will be empty.


public string RecipientInboxWorkQueueUri { get; public set; }

The Uri of the inbox of the destination endpoint of this message.


public string PrincipalIdentityName { get; public set; }

The name of WindowsIdentity that dispatched the message. May be Anonymous.


public System.DateTime IgnoreTillDate { get; public set; }

The message will not be processed while the current date is before this date.


public System.DateTime ExpiryDate { get; public set; }

Determines the date that the message will expire. It will not be processed after this date. The default value is DateTime.MaxValue..


public System.DateTime SendDate { get; public set; }

The date that the message was sent.


public List<string> FailureMessages { get; public set; }

A list of message containing each failure that occurred.


public string MessageType { get; public set; }

The FullName of the message type represented by the Message property.


public string AssemblyQualifiedName { get; public set; }

The AssemblyQualifiedName of the message type represented by the Message property.


public string EncryptionAlgorithm { get; public set; }

The name of the encryption algorithm used to encrypt the message; else empty.


public string CompressionAlgorithm { get; public set; }

The name of the compression algorithm used to compress the message; else empty.


public List<Shuttle.Esb.TransportHeader> Headers { get; public set; }

An arbitrary list of TransportHeader objects that may be used to carry information not contained in the Message property.