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Please Note: This package is now obsolete. Please make use of Shuttle.Core.WorkerService

PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.Host

The generic host is an executable assembly used to execute code either within a console window or as a Windows service. Since it can host your code while running in Visual Studio it makes debugging very easy. No need to attach a debugger to a Windows service.

A typical implementation would be the following:

using System;
using Shuttle.Core.Host;

namespace Domain.Server
    public class DomainHost : IHost, IDisposable
        private volatile bool active = true;
        public void Start()
           while (active)
                // perform some processing

        public void Dispose()
            active = false;

When the generic host is executed it searches for all classes that implement the IHost. It needs to find exactly 1 class implementing the interface else it fails with an exception. If you do have more than one type implementing the interface you can specify the interface using an argument:

/hostType="assembly qualified name"

In order to debug applications that use the IHost interface you would simply need to set the Shuttle.Core.Host.exe as the startup application for your project:

You would probably want to use some thread-base processing but that is up to you.

Notice the IDisposable implementation. Whenever a service is stopped, or ctrl+c pressed for a console application, the IHost instance is safe-cast to IDisposable. If the host instance implements IDisposable the Dispose method will be called.

The following command-line arguments are available and can be viewed by running Shuttle.Core.Host /?:

    [/install [/serviceName]]    
        - install the service
        - friendly name for the installed service
        - Description for the service
        - type implementing IHost that should be used
        - unique name of the instance you wish to install
        - an alternate configuration file name to use instead of {IHost.dll}.config

        - specifies that the service should start manually
        - username of the account to use for the service
        - password of the account to use for the service
    - or -
    [/uninstall [/serviceName] [/instance]]    


As mentioned, if no /hostType is specified the folder the Shuttle.Core.Host.exe is in will be scanned for the class implementing IHost. Should no class, or more than 1 class, be located an exception will be raised.

Service Name

If no /serviceName is specified the full name of the service bus host type will be used along with the version number of the assembly it is contained within.

    Shuttle.Application.Server.Host (

Display Name

The default for the /displayName is the same value as /serviceName, and the description defaults to a generic service bus host description.


If you set the /serviceName and/or /instance during installation you will need to specify them when uninstalling as well, e.g.:



    /displayName:"Shuttle server for the application"
    /description:"Service to handle messages relating to the application" 
    /hostType:"QualifiedNamespace.Host, AssemblyName"


It is also possible to install and uninstall services that make use of shuttle-core-host by using the WindowsServiceInstaller class:

var windowsServiceInstaller = new WindowsServiceInstaller();

var installConfiguration = new InstallConfiguration
    ServiceAssemblyPath = @"{path to your service}\\Shuttle.Core.Host.exe",
    // more arguments may be specified


var serviceInstallerConfiguration = new ServiceInstallerConfiguration
    ServiceAssemblyPath = @"{path to your service}\\Shuttle.Core.Host.exe",
    // more arguments may be specified

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