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PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.Contract

A guard implementation that performs assertions/assumptions to prevent invalid code execution.


void Against<TException>(bool assertion, string message) 
	where TException : Exception

Throws exception TException with the given message if the assertion is false. If exception type TException does not have a constructor that accepts a message then an InvalidOperationException is thrown instead.

void AgainstNull(object value, string name)

Throws a NullReferenceException if the given value is null.

void AgainstNullOrEmptyString(string value, string name)

Throws a NullReferenceException if the given value is null or empty/whitespace.

void AgainstUndefinedEnum<TEnum>(object value, string name)

Throws an InvalidOperationException if the provided value cannot be found in the given enum.

void AgainstEmptyEnumerable<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable, string name)

Throws an InvalidOperationException if the given enumerable does not contain any entries.

public static void AgainstEmptyGuid(Guid value, string name)

Throws and ArgumentException when the value is equal to an empty Guid ({00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}).

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