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PM> Install-Package Shuttle.Core.Transactions

This package makes use of the .Net TransactionScope class to provide ambient transaction handling. .Net Core 2.0 does not yet support ambient transactions and you would need to handle any transactions yourself. To this end you would need to return a NullTransactionScope from the ITransactionScopeFactory implementation. If you are using the DefaultTransactionScopeFactory then you can simply set the enabled attribute to false.


An implementation of the ITransactionScope interface is used to wrap a TransactionScope.

The DefaultTransactionScope makes use of the standard .NET TransactionScope functionality. There is also a NullTransactionScope that implements the null pattern so it implements the interface but does not do anything.



string Name { get; }

Returns the name of the transaction scope. This is helpful with logging.



void Complete();

Marks the transaction scope as complete.


An implementation of the ITransactionScopeFactory interface provides instances of an ITransactionScope implementation.

The DefaultTransactionScopeFactory provides a DefaultTransactionScope instance if transactions are Enabled; else an instance of NullTransactionScope is provided.


ITransactionScope Create(string name);
ITransactionScope Create(string name, IsolationLevel isolationLevel, TimeSpan timeout);
ITransactionScope Create();
ITransactionScope Create(IsolationLevel isolationLevel, TimeSpan timeout);

Creates the relevant instance using the given parameters.

Configuration Section

There is also a configuration section that can be used:

    <section name="transactionScope" type="Shuttle.Core.Transactions.TransactionScopeSection, Shuttle.Core.Transactions"/>

      timeoutSeconds="300" />

Call the static TransactionScopeSection.Get() method to return the configuration.

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