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Request / Response


Remember that you can download the samples from the GitHub repository.

This sample makes use of Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ for the message queues. Local Azure Storage Queues should be provided by Azurite.

Once you have opened the Shuttle.RequestResponse.sln solution in Visual Studio set the following projects as startup projects:

  • Shuttle.RequestResponse.Client
  • Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server


In order to get any processing done in Shuttle.Esb a message will need to be generated and sent to an endpoint for processing. The idea behind a command message is that there is exactly one endpoint handling the message. Since it is an instruction the message absolutely has to be handled and we also need to have only a single endpoint process the message to ensure a consistent result.

In this guide we'll create the following projects:

  • Shuttle.RequestResponse.Client (Console Application)
  • Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server (Console Application)
  • Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages (Class Library)


Create a new class library called Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages with a solution called Shuttle.RequestResponse

Note: remember to change the Solution name.


Rename the Class1 default file to RegisterMemberCommand and add a UserName property.

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages
	public class RegisterMemberCommand
		public string UserName { get; set; }


Add a new class called MemberRegisteredEvent also with a UserName property.

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages
	public class MemberRegisteredEvent
		public string UserName { get; set; }


Add a new Console Application to the solution called Shuttle.RequestResponse.Client.

Install the Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ nuget package.

This will provide access to the Azure Storage Queues IQueue implementation and also include the required dependencies.

Install the Shuttle.Core.Castle nuget package.

This will provide access to the Castle WindsorContainer implementation.

Add a reference to the Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages project.


Implement the main client code as follows:

using System;
using Castle.Windsor;
using Shuttle.Core.Castle;
using Shuttle.Core.Container;
using Shuttle.Esb;
using Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ;
using Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages;

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Client
	internal class Program
		private static void Main(string[] args)
			var container = new WindsorComponentContainer(new WindsorContainer());

			container.Register<IAzureStorageConfiguration, DefaultAzureStorageConfiguration>();


			using (var bus = container.Resolve<IServiceBus>().Start())
				string userName;

				while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName = Console.ReadLine()))
					bus.Send(new RegisterMemberCommand
						UserName = userName
					}, c => c.WillExpire(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5)));


Create the configuration as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<section name="serviceBus" type="Shuttle.Esb.ServiceBusSection, Shuttle.Esb"/>

		<add key="azure" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true;" />

			<messageRoute uri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-server-work">
				<add specification="StartsWith" value="Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages"/>

		<inbox workQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-client-work" errorQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-error" threadCount="1"/>

This tells the service bus that all messages sent having a type name starting with Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages should be routed to endpoint azuremq://azure/shuttle-server-work.


Create a new class called MemberRegisteredHandler that implements the IMessageHandler<MemberRegisteredEvent> interface as follows:

using System;
using Shuttle.Esb;
using Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages;

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Client
	public class MemberRegisteredHandler : IMessageHandler<MemberRegisteredEvent>
		public void ProcessMessage(IHandlerContext<MemberRegisteredEvent> context)
			Console.WriteLine("[RESPONSE RECEIVED] : user name = '{0}'", context.Message.UserName);


Add a new Console Application to the solution called Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server.

Install the Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ nuget package.

This will provide access to the Azure Storage Queues IQueue implementation and also include the required dependencies.

Install the Shuttle.Core.WorkerService nuget package.

This allows a console application to be hosted as a Windows Service or Systemd Unit while running as a normal console application when debugging.

Install the Shuttle.Core.Castle nuget package.

This will provide access to the Castle WindsorContainer implementation.

Install the Shuttle.Core.Log4Net nuget package.

This will provide access to the Log4Net implementation.

Add a reference to the Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages project.


Implement the Program class as follows:

using Shuttle.Core.WorkerService;

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server
    internal class Program
        private static void Main()

This will simply instance the Host class and get it running.


Add a Host class and implement the IServiceHost interface as follows:

using Castle.Windsor;
using log4net;
using Shuttle.Core.Castle;
using Shuttle.Core.Container;
using Shuttle.Core.Log4Net;
using Shuttle.Core.Logging;
using Shuttle.Core.WorkerService;
using Shuttle.Esb;
using Shuttle.Esb.AzureMQ;

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server
    public class Host : IServiceHost
        private IServiceBus _bus;

        public Host()
            Log.Assign(new Log4NetLog(LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Host))));

        public void Start()
            var container = new WindsorComponentContainer(new WindsorContainer());

            container.Register<IAzureStorageConfiguration, DefaultAzureStorageConfiguration>();


            _bus = container.Resolve<IServiceBus>().Start();

        public void Stop()


Add an Application Configuration File item to create the App.config and populate as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

		<section name="serviceBus" type="Shuttle.Esb.ServiceBusSection, Shuttle.Esb" />
		<section name="log4net" type="log4net.Config.Log4NetConfigurationSectionHandler, log4net" />

		<add key="azure" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true;" />

		<appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
			<file value="logs\requestresponse-server" />
			<appendToFile value="true" />
			<rollingStyle value="Composite" />
			<maxSizeRollBackups value="10" />
			<maximumFileSize value="100000KB" />
			<datePattern value="-yyyyMMdd.'log'" />
			<param name="StaticLogFileName" value="false" />
			<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
				<conversionPattern value="%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n" />
			<level value="TRACE" />
			<appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />

		<inbox workQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-server-work" errorQueueUri="azuremq://azure/shuttle-error" />


Add a new class called RegisterMemberHandler that implements the IMessageHandler<RegisterMemberCommand> interface as follows:

using System;
using Shuttle.Esb;
using Shuttle.RequestResponse.Messages;

namespace Shuttle.RequestResponse.Server
	public class RegisterMemberHandler : IMessageHandler<RegisterMemberCommand>
		public void ProcessMessage(IHandlerContext<RegisterMemberCommand> context)
			Console.WriteLine("[MEMBER REGISTERED] : user name = '{0}'", context.Message.UserName);

			context.Send(new MemberRegisteredEvent
				UserName = context.Message.UserName
			}, c => c.Reply());


Set both the client and server projects as startup projects.


Execute the application.

The client application will wait for you to input a user name. For this example enter my user name and press enter:


You will observe that the server application has processed the message.


The client application will then process the response returned by the server.

You have now completed a full request / response call chain.

Request / Response has loaded