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Upgrade to v-12.0.0


Prior to version 12.0.0 the service bus components were registered using the static Register() method on the ServiceBus class:


The method is now marked as Obsolete but will still work until it is removed in the next version:

[Obsolete("This method has been replaced by `ComponentRegistryExtensions.RegisterServiceBus()`.", false)]
public static IServiceBusConfiguration Register(IComponentRegistry registry)
    return registry.RegisterServiceBus();

As can be seen in the above implementation the new way to register the service bus components with the component registry is to use the RegisterServiceBus() extension method on the IComponentRegistry implementation which has the following signature:

public static IServiceBusConfiguration RegisterServiceBus(this IComponentRegistry registry, IServiceBusConfiguration configuration = null)


Prior to version 12.0.0 thhe service bus instance was obtained using the static Create() method on the ServiceBus class:

var serviceBus = ServiceBus.Create(IComponentResolver);

The method is now marked as Obsolete but will still work until it is removed in the next version:

[Obsolete("Please create an instance of the service bus using `IComponentResolver.Resolve<IServiceBus>()`.")]
public static IServiceBus Create(IComponentResolver resolver)
    Guard.AgainstNull(resolver, nameof(resolver));

    return resolver.Resolve<IServiceBus>();

As can be seen in the above implementation the new way to resolve and instance of the service bus is to use the IComponentResolver instance directly.

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